IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications
15–17 November 2016 – Medellin, Colombia


Tutorial 1: Data Centers: Fundamentals and Trends

In IT industry there are many different kinds of Data Centers around the world. Users just wish more and more IT services mainly in cloud and what is it behind all this technology for supporting IT and cloud computing applications is for granted. But Data Center industry is very critical industry due to it supports companies using IT services such as banks and other financial system, government services, transport services by air or train, national security or many other industries depending on IT and crashing data center could represent a company´s death. So a very wide overview about Data Center´s complexity is offered dealing with data centers around the world including some cases in Latin America. In data centers industry standards are a very important components since the beginning of planning a data centers till the day by day operations, so some international standards are reviewed where IT and network communications are not the only one knowledge areas involved at data centers.

We will see a Data Center is not like any other in the world, each one is different and responds to very specific designs and industry needs. Nowadays Data Centers are the huge industry as in past the chemical industry was, due to people requires more and more computing power and storage than ever before; even in crisis time in 2016, data center industry is one of the most growing industries around the world. Finally, specific application´s Data Centers and future trends are exposed, showing some applications which will be very common in a near future.

hignacio-castilloJose Ignacio Castillo Velázquez, Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México

J. Ignacio Castillo has been working for 20 years in IT&C industries [Datacenter Dynamics, RedUno-TELMEX, IFE, DICINET], as well as in private and public universities as professor [UDEFA, UACM, BUAP, UPAEP, UTM]. He has participated in more than 50 national and international projects as a team member, or leader on technical and management positions. Ignacio Castillo is an IEEE Senior Member and IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Visitor Program Member.

He works in three main areas:

Information technology: He participates with ISO/IEC 27000 committee (Information Security Management) & ISO/IEC 38500 committee (Information Technology Governance) with the Mexican National Board.

Data Centers & Networking: He participates with ICREA (International Computer Room Experts Association) and offers consulting for Data Center Dynamics.

Smart Cities: He participates as evaluator for IEEE Smart Cities initiative and referee for IEEE conferences related to Smart Cities.

His newest text book is “Redes de datos: contexto y evolución”, 2nd edition.

As professor he has lectured more than 100 undergraduate and graduate courses, he wrote journal and conference papers, three books, technical reports and is referee for magazines and conferences; he organized national and international conferences and seminars.
He had offered more than 100 keynote, invited talks and webinars, but also he wrote more than 100 divulgation articles for magazines and newspapers.

Since 2008 Castillo is a tenured Professor at Electronics & Telecommunications Dep. with Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México UACM (Autonomous University of Mexico City). He received his B.Sc. degree in Electronic Sciences (95), completed with honors, and his M.Sc. degree in Semiconductor Devices (98) both from the Autonomous University of Puebla, Mexico.


Tutorial 2: Location Estimation Techniques For Radio Localization And Radio Navigation

Cristina Gomez Santamaria and Andrés Felipe García, Professor at Pontifical Bolivarian University